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Subsidiary Agreements:
The Extraordinary meeting also established an Intergovernmental Committee for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety which exists to facilitate the first meeting of the Parties to the protocol at which point it will be dissolved. As this suggests, Protocols are independent and legally binding processes with their own dynamics. They are linked into the framework of a wider international agreement such as the Convention on Biodiversity. The possibility to promote the creation of Protocols under the Convention, for example, on forest biodiversity or sustainable use, has yet to be fully explored by indigenous peoples organisations and partner organisations. |
In this section:The Convention on Biological Diversity Institutions of the Convention Relations with the other International Conventions and Agreements Organisation of the work of the convention Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in the Articles of the Convention |
| Acknowledgements | About the Authors | Introduction | Dimensions of Diversity | Indigenous Peoples.. | | From Policy to Implementation? | Executive Summary COP5 | Executive Summary COP6 |References | |