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Organisation of the Work of the Convention:The Work of the Convention was initially set out in what was called the medium-term programme of work (1995-1997), which set out the agenda for addressing particular issues (SCBD 2001:xxiii). The programme was reviewed by COP4, which developed a work programme for the period from COP5 to COP7 (Decision IV/16, Annex II). During the Inter-sessional meeting on the Operations of the Convention (ISOC) in 1999 the development of a strategic plan for the Convention covering the period between 2002 to 2010 was recommended and subsequently approved by COP5 (Decision V/20). The strategic plan is now being prepared in a series of workshops and will go forward for discussion at COP6 in 2002 (see UNEP/CBD/COP/6/5). The existing programme of work and the development of the strategic plan are complemented by specific programmes of work in what are called "thematic areas" and "cross-cutting issues" Thematic Work Programmes
Cross-cutting Work ProgrammesCross-cutting issues are those issues that span the Convention and are found within Articles 6 to 20 of the Convention. These include ".. biosafety; access to genetic resources; traditional knowledge, innovations and practices (Article 8(j)); intellectual property rights; indicators; taxonomy; public education and awareness; incentives; and alien species" (SCBD 2001: xxiv). Work programmes have now been established in three cross-cutting areas:
Additional programmes of work are now under development for consideration by COP6 in 2002. These include:
It is likely that in future the CBD will also develop a series of other work programmes. The participation of indigenous peoples and local communities in the development of these work programmes will be vital to ensure that their rights and needs are reflected within the contents of any new work programmes. |
In this section:The Convention on Biological Diversity Institutions of the Convention Relations with the other International Conventions and Agreements Organisation of the work of the convention Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in the Articles of the Convention |
| Acknowledgements | About the Authors | Introduction | Dimensions of Diversity | Indigenous Peoples.. | | From Policy to Implementation? | Executive Summary COP5 | Executive Summary COP6 |References | |